What Is In The Bookcase?

Living A Second Life – Kimberly Harris is a middle-aged woman employed at a call center. It looks like a bleak future, but after work, she escapes her bland existence and enters the world of Second Life. In the game, she is a sassy redhead, chasing her dream of owning a dance club and maybe finding the love of her life. Ever wonder what happens in these online games? You never know.

The Adventures of Chris and Ardel – Welcome to the world of Chris and Ardel, seven miles from town and another mile up a dirt road. This book contains two mini-books that are guaranteed to take you on a fun adventure

The Story In Grammy’s Trailer – In September 2020, the Almeda Fire tore through southern Oregon taking out over 3,000 homes including a trailer that had been in our family for 50 years. Here are some of the memories we did not want to lose.


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~@~ My Passion Project ~@~

In between books, I have my little passion project. This is my website:

Love The Little Stuff – This site is dedicated to helping us slow down and enjoy the world around us. Learn interesting facts about animals, plants, pets, and more. It is always a great idea to stop and catch your breath occasionally.