Introducing Tea Railene

Tisha Peronto

Hi. I am Tea Railene aka Tisha Peronto, the face behind the madness…just kidding. I am a proud resident of the beautiful state of Oregon, born and raised, not that Portland place but in southern Oregon.

I am a typical middle-aged lady. I say middle-aged because I am close to 50 and plan to live to be 100.

I was raised by three awesome kids–a girl and two boys. I know that sounds kinda backward, but we grew up together. Now they are adults and have gifted me with ten grandkids. I know grandma sounds like an old person, but it is the best job EVER. I am also married to my best friend.

Of course, as a true Oregonian, I love to camp and hike and fish. I also love animals of all kinds. Baseball is my favorite sport–GO GIANTS!! I guess if I was to describe myself I would say I love, “Chinese food, chocolate, and bare feet.”

~ Why Do You Write ~

I never really “chose to write, it kinda chose me. The words have always poured out onto paper whether I wanted them to or not. I guess I write because I have things I want to share. I want to leave something behind when my life fades away.

I hope I can make you laugh or touch your heart. I want to introduce you to something you have never thought about before or take you to a place you have never been. Why do I write? To give you something to read 🙂